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Lose weight with rope skipping

Skipping rope for weight loss: How effective is it really?

Jumping rope is a real calorie miracle and can help you lose weight effectively. But how does it work exactly and what should you pay attention to?


Why is jumping rope so good for losing weight?

High calorie consumption: By skipping rope you can burn up to 150 calories in just 10 minutes – that’s about the same as jogging for 30 minutes.
full-body workout: Legs, arms, stomach and bottom – when jumping rope the whole body is in motion.
afterburn effect: After training, your body continues to burn calories.
Compact & can be carried out anywhere: No gym needed, just grab your jump rope and get started!


How often and for how long should you jump?

For optimal results, interval training is recommended:
🏃‍♂️ 30 seconds of jumping rope, 15 seconds rest – 10-15 minutes a day is enough to see progress.


Tips for getting started

✅ Start with a light rope and increase slowly.
✅ Make sure you maintain good posture to protect your joints.
✅ Use a high-quality jump rope – Everjump offers adjustable, weighted ropes with app tracking for your perfect workout.



Jumping rope is a highly effective workout to burn fat and increase your fitness. With the right ropes and a smart strategy, you can reach your weight loss goal faster!

