Shipping & Returns

What are the shipping costs?

The shipping costs are automatically calculated for each destination country and will be displayed on the checkout page.

European Union

For orders up to €99.99, we charge €4.99 shipping. For orders of €100 or more, shipping within the EU is free.


For orders up to €59.99, we charge €4.99 shipping within Germany. For orders of €60 or more, shipping within Germany is free.

Switzerland, United Kingdom (UK), Norway

For shipping to the UK & Norway, we charge a flat fee of €9.99. For shipping to Switzerland, we now also charge €9.99. Please note that additional customs fees may apply.

Return Shipping

Return shipping costs are generally borne by the customer. By covering the return shipping costs, you help us maintain a high level of service and product quality without having to pass on additional administrative costs to you.